Registrace domén

Informace k registraci .EU domény

Registrace domény na 1 rok
4,99 € bez DPH
5,99 € s DPH
Prodloužení domény o 1 rok
6,89 € bez DPH
8,27 € s DPH
Poplatek za změnu vlastníka domény
€ bez DPH
€ s DPH

.EU is the extension for registration of domains in the European Community. Realtime Register is official member of EURID. We can arrange your registration , transfer or change of your .EU domains quickly and efficient. The Registry for .EU domains you can find at

Who can apply for the registration of .EU domains?

The following categories of companies, organisations and individuals will be qualified for the registration of .EU domain names:

  1. Organisations and companies having their registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the European Community;
  2. Organisations established within the European Community without prejudice to the application of national law;
  3. Natural persons resident within the European Community.

Are there specific requirements for the registration of .EU domains?

Minimum 2 characters. Maximum 63 characters. You can’t start or end .EU domains with a (“-”) sign. And a (“-”) can’t be in the third of fourth position.

Are IDN domain names supported for .EU domains?

Yes, all non-ASCII characters of the 23 official European languages are supported.

Additional requirements for .EU domains:

Additional requirements you can find in Appendix .EU of the General Terms and Conditions. On the moment the registration of .EU domains takes place, the dealer, customer and end-user agree with these additional terms and conditions. The dealer/reseller declares to make the General Terms and Conditions as well asAppendix .EU subject to the contract which he has with his customer or end-user (i.e. the domain name holder).


Změna registrátora:
Změna registrátora je vždy spojena s ročním prodloužením domény, pro podrobné informace prosím kontaktujte prosím Zákaznické centrum Axfone.
Dnem expirace se aktivuje ochranná lhůta (karanténa), během této doby může doménu prodloužit jedině původní majitel. Vyjmutí z karantény je zpoplatněno podle aktuálního ceníku služeb (cca 26 EURO bez DPH).
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